15 Stats & Facts on Why Localization Is About Global Survival

Our ability to understand other cultures and communicate with people across the globe in their native tongues enables us to make the most of our ventures into new markets. To better understand the growing importance of localization in today’s interconnected world, we’ve compiled stunning stats and facts that will make you reconsider your global growth strategy.

World languages are fundamental to our increasingly interconnected global community. Our ability to understand other cultures and communicate with people across the globe in their native tongues enables us to make the most of our ventures into new markets. In this new world order, the rise of world languages is causing English to fall into decline. There are over 7,000 languages in the world, but only 23 are the mother tongues of 4 billion people. That’s over half of the world’s population. The prevalence of world languages and the gradual decline of English can be attributed to the economic growth of other countries. For instance, China has always represented a huge potential market because of its sheer size. Now, it’s stepping up into the spotlight and gaining an important role on the global stage. Several other regions in Asia, Africa, and Oceania are increasingly projecting their influence in the global digital landscape. And this is not where the story ends… why localization 

Stunning Stats & Facts on Localization

To get a solid grasp of why localization is crucial to surviving in today’s interconnected business world, we’ve compiled critical stats and facts that will make you reconsider your global growth strategy.

Chinese is the most (natively) spoken language in the world

English is the largest language in the world if we count both native and non-native speakers. However, Chinese has the most number of first-language speakers, with about 1.3 billion native speakers concentrated in the country.

49% of the world’s internet users are in Asia

About 4.2 billion people in the world are now online, and around 2 billion internet users come from Asia. So, if you want to dip your toes in international waters to reach more people, you should consider navigating towards the Asian markets.

7 of the 10 top markets by iOS downloads and 9 of the 10 top markets by Google Play downloads are non-native English markets

Non-native English markets dominate both the iOS and Google Play charts for app downloads. Meanwhile, mature markets such as the US continue to see consistent numbers, but growth has slowed in the past few years.

More than 50% of all queries on Google are in languages other than English

Internet usage has been growing at a staggering rate in non-native English-speaking countries. Search engines have also evolved dramatically over the years to accommodate linguistically diverse audiences who are responsible for over half of all Google queries that are performed in languages other than English.

China claims to have over 800 million internet users, while the US has approximately 300 million

Approximately 802 million people in China now have access to the internet, roughly 98% of whom are mobile users. That means their internet population is now larger than the combined populations of the US, Mexico, Russia, and Japan!

China’s “Going Out” strategy drives the need for translation in international exchange

Thanks to the country’s “Going Out” strategy, the translation market in China is growing in importance. Software translation and localization are expected to facilitate the development of the nation’s economy, politics, and culture in this new world order.

China is the world’s largest app market

China accounts for nearly 50% of app downloads across iOS and Android. About $1 out of every $4 produced from these app stores are generated by the Chinese market.

About 72.1% of internet users prefer to dwell on websites translated in their native language

Although most of the content on the internet is in English, many internet users don’t speak or read the language. About 72.1% of internet users are more likely to stay on your website if you translate content in their native tongue.

Even among people with high proficiency in English, 60.6% prefer to browse the World Wide Web in their native language

It’s not only non-English speakers who prefer to surf the internet using their mother tongue. Even 60.6% of people with high proficiency in English would rather look up something online in their native language.

Around 90% of online shoppers choose their native language when it’s available

If businesses intend to improve sales, translating and localizing content into other languages would make a great start. After all, 90% of consumers would always choose their mother tongue whenever the option is available.

Nearly 75% of internet users prefer to read product information in their native language

In the digital era, businesses should realize the potential of translating information in different languages. You can reach more people given that 75% of consumers would rather read product information in their native tongue.

78% of online shoppers are more likely to make a purchase on online stores that are localized

Businesses that sell products or services in English to non-native English speakers have a better chance of converting the majority online shoppers if their website is localized instead.

44% of internet users in the European Union feel they are missing important information when webpages aren’t translated in a language they understand

Translating and localizing content will help you build trust with your audience. In the EU, 44% of people can’t quite trust websites offering content in a language other than their first, fearing that they might miss crucial information.

In Sweden – which has one of the world’s best non-native English speakers – over 80% of online shoppers prefer to make a purchase in their own language

Even Swedes, one of the nations with the highest proficiency in English among non-native speakers, prefer to shop online using Swedish. To gain the trust and loyalty of your audience, you have to personalize the content based on their preferences, including language preferences.

Internet markets in Africa and Oceania are on the rise

Companies who are looking to engage with new audiences should explore Africa and Asia-Pacific regions, as they are home to many emerging markets.

Get a Strong Localization Tool for Strong Results

These stunning stats and facts make it obvious that your company’s capacity to survive and thrive on the global stage lies in your ability to embrace new cultures and languages. Adapting your product to new markets through localization will not only expand your customer base but will also drive growth and profitability.

To get strong results, you should consider employing a strong localization tool. Phrase enables a streamlined localization process in which engineers, product managers, and translators work with greater efficiency and absolute clarity. Sign up for a 14-day free trial now and see how easy and effective localization can be.

This post originally appeared on Phrase.com

Translation errors force Osaka metro websites offline

Osaka metroImage copyright: GETTY IMAGES
Image caption: Passengers were told to take the ‘Sakai muscle’ line

Osaka’s metro network has shut down its foreign language sites after users noticed some odd translations.

Among the errors on its English page was the literal translation of Sakaisuji line as “Sakai muscle”.

Many Japanese businesses are trying to make themselves accessible for foreign visitors, ahead of the rugby world cup this year and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Officials say they used the same Microsoft translation programme for all of the metro’s non-Japanese pages.

As well as being told to take the “muscle line”, passengers were advised to alight at stations called “Before the Zoo” (Dobutsuen-mae), “Powerhouse Town” (Daikokucho), “Prince Bridge Now City” (Taishibashi-Imaichi) and “World Teahouse” (Tengachaya).

“Third carriage”, meanwhile, rather unsettlingly became “three eyes”.

Members of the public noticed the odd names and posted photos on social media, causing the Japanese hashtags for “Sakai Muscle” and “Osaka Metro” to trend.

As well as English, the website had been translated into Chinese, Korean and Thai. It’s not known whether those sites contained errors as well, but they have all been taken down as a precaution.

The metro did not say when the pages would be back online. For now, visitors to the English language page are automatically redirected to the main Japanese site.

Meanwhile, Microsoft told the BBC that it would “take appropriate steps to support our customer”.

Osaka’s metro is hardly alone – in fact, errors translating between Japanese and English are pretty common.

Earlier this year the singer Ariana Grande tried to get a Japanese tattoo on her wrist saying “seven rings”, the name of her latest single. When she posted a photo online, fans pointed out that it actually said “barbecue grill”.

This post originally appeared on BBC.com

Agile localization: The complete guide

In the world of software development, localization used to be an afterthought. Product teams would focus on the design and development of the product. Only when the product is complete the need for localization arises.

In today’s world, software development doesn’t work that way anymore. Companies went from annual and biannual releases to weekly and even daily releases. This has raised the need for agile localization to keep up with the fast-paced world of software development.

In this guide, we will discuss:

  • What agile localization is.
  • The benefits of agile localization.
  • The challenges that come with agile localization.
  • Some tips to help you through your localization journey.

Let’s start by taking a look at what agile development is.

What is agile software development?

Agile software development is a set of software development methodologies which are based on iterative and cross-functional team collaboration approaches. It allows developers to produce high-quality code as well as ship products faster and more often.

Before agile, development teams used to follow the waterfall methodology. This means that all the software requirements are defined beforehand. Making any changes during the process used to be almost impossible and very costly. Agile breaks this linear sequential approach. It splits the product development process into smaller parts or iterations. That way, the requirements change and evolve into a more flexible manner based on need.

Agile Software Development spans many different frameworks and methodologies of software development, including Lean software development, Kanban, and Scrum.

The term “Agile” was popularized by the Manifesto for Agile Software Development which lists down four core values:

agile software development values

But how does localization adapt to agile software development? Well, that’s where agile localization comes in.

What is agile localization?

Agile localization is a set of practices to incorporate localization and translation into an agile product development cycle.

Translations aren’t just done once and delivered at the end of the development cycle. Instead, they are translated as the product is being developed. This means that once new iterations are released, translators or localization teams can simultaneously work on the localization of the changes happening in the product.

There are still the waterfall advocates who prefer it to agile. They believe that it offers a more firm and fixed structure that gives you an idea of how the project is going to unfold. That’s why there are companies that use the waterfall localization workflow to this day.

Agile Localization Agile Development

So what is the waterfall localization workflow?

Initially, there were only two main approaches that developers and localization teams followed. While they may not be ideal, some still adopt them:

1. Post-release

Post-release is a common software localization approach where, as the name suggests, the localization takes place after the release of the product. In this approach, the localization teams can start working on the translations only when the product has been delivered.

This approach causes a considerable delay. There is a distinctive gap between the completion of the development of the product and the completion of the translation. Latter option causes a waste of resources and makes companies incapable of releasing their software.

2. String freeze

The string freeze approach combats the inefficiencies of the first approach. There is a “string freeze” period during the software development process. During that time, strings that need to be localized are locked and can’t be changed, modified or removed. The string freeze duration can be anything from a few days to several weeks. It gives the localization teams time to work on translating the strings and then send them back to the developers in time for the software release. During the time of the freeze, developers can work on fixing bugs and defects, again without changing any of the strings.

This approach can definitely be a lot more time-saving than the first one. However, developers would still need to manually identify the modified strings in the code which causes it to remain cumbersome.

That’s why more and more companies eventually started adapting the agile localization workflow.

How is the agile localization workflow different?

Agile localization syncs the localization process with the development process so that they are both operating simultaneously. This is accomplished by incorporating a continuous localization platform into your workflow which automatically facilitates and handles the process. The agile localization workflow then takes place as follows:

  1. The developer pushes new code to the project codebase.
  2. The localization platform automatically recognizes new or modified strings.
  3. It pushes them to the localization team or translators to work on.
  4. Once they’re done and the translations are approved, the platform automatically sends the translations back to the developers. It also syncs them back into the project so that they’re ready for release.

What are the benefits of agile localization?

Agile Localization Benefits


When agile localization is implemented correctly, the entire process becomes more efficient and effective with no resistance or bottlenecks. Any new updates to the code are recognized, and new or updated strings are automatically sent to the translators. The translators can now work on the strings, then push it back into the code, without needing any prior knowledge of the development process of the product. That way developers can be more focused on the development of the product without having to worry about other aspects of it.

Agile localization also helps save a lot of resources, whether it’s time or money, as it closes the gap between the software development and localization processes.

Ease of use

One of the most significant advantages of continuous localization is how it makes the developers’ and especially the translators’ lives a whole lot easier. Before agile localization, developers would send translators a batch of strings in different formats (e.g., .xml files for Android apps, .strings files for iOS apps, .csv files, etc.). This forced translators to learn multiple different technologies to be able to work with them. The use of a continuous localization platform has eliminated that hassle. It allows you to import all your favorite file formats to the platform or even have it done automatically through the use of integration (e.g., GitHub). Moreover, the translators can work on the strings straight through the platform’s online intuitive dashboard.


Agile localization platforms, like Lokalise, easily adapt to your workflow and open up a whole new world of translation possibilities for you. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a big company that has its own localization team or an indie developer who hires independent translators. Localization platforms also offer the possibility of crowdsourcing translations. Some even give you access to certified translators. In this case,  you can leverage professionals to start working on your project immediately.

So what challenges come with agile localization?

Agile Localization Challenges

Short-term vision

As opposed to the traditional waterfall model which had teams create a full plan from the beginning to an end with a set timeline, the agile approach is more flexible with shorter sprints. And while this has its benefits, you need to make sure that you plan your sprints effectively.

That’s why you need to make sure that you have a localization team or enough translators to be able to handle those short sprints. If you don’t, you can leverage a translation management system which allows you to order professional translations. You can have your product translated to all popular languages, in Lokalise, for as low as $0.07 per word.

Speed vs. quality

Working in a fast-paced agile workflow, their focus is more on speed than quality. For example, using machine translation tools like DeepL, Google Translate can impact the quality of the translations.

However, the trade-off is usually acceptable, especially since they can be easily fixed with continuous localization as opposed to waterfall localization, where things have to be perfect by the time of the release.

Now, let’s take a look at some tips to help you overcome these agile localization challenges.

Agile localization tips

Agile Localization Tips

Establish an internationalization (i18n) mindset

Agile localization can have a drawback where developers only focus on the code. They would pay no attention to internationalization, which is a crucial process needed for localization. That is why it’s essential for developers to always work with an internationalization-centric mindset. They need to understand how important it is to always make sure to adapt the code and prepare it for localization.

Create clear translation guidelines

To combat the translation inconsistencies continuous localization platforms offer a glossary feature. It helps maintain consistent translations across the project by providing definitions.

The glossary can contain things like the names of products and services, brand-specific slogans, terminology, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. This ensures maintaining brand unity as well as speed up the translation process by providing clear guidelines to your translators.

Conduct localization and linguistic testing

It is critical to perform localization as well as linguistic testing once the translation is done. Linguistic testing ensures that all translations are complete and accurate without any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Localization testing ensures that the localized content abides by local customs and UI standards. This helps you locate and fix any translation errors, code issues and have them fixed ahead of release.

It is also advised that the testing is performed on an audience from your target demographic. They can provide you with valuable insights that you wouldn’t know or have access to otherwise.

Pick the right Translation Management System

There are multiple localization tools and platforms that you can choose from but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Automation: The platform needs to be able to blend flawlessly into your development workflow.
  • Supported Platforms: The ability to support the platforms you’re working with. Also, when using multiple platforms, having the ability to store all platform keys in the same project.
  • Collaboration Tools: Allows you to invite team members and translators to work on the same project. They should also have the ability to assign different translation tasks.

How can Lokalise help?

Agile Localization Lokalise

Lokalise is the leading localization and translation tool for web and apps. It integrates flawlessly with your existing development workflow through a plethora of one-click integrations, libraries, and plugins.

It offers all the essential localization features like an online editor, translation memory, translation history, the use of a glossary, and more. In addition, Lokalise has more advanced features like inline machine translations, automatic screenshot linking, iOS and Android SDKs which allow you to preview the translations and app changes instantly.

This post originally appeared on Lokalise.com